We like music... so there's that.

we write this shit yall

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Vaccines, like ones that don't protect you from things.

So. Lets keep this shortish and sweetish. The Vaccines are a band out of London, formed in 2010 who's first album hit stores in the UK this March. I don't know if its here yet because I didn't look, google that shit. You're a big kid. Anyhow, their story goes a little something like this.......

Some idiot at a British Billboard type of place named these guys one of the top 5 new artists or something (i'm paraphrasing) and then everyone went all head over high heels thinking they were going to change the music world. You can tell I'm serious by the italics.

Then their album dropped and everyone was all, wait this sounds familiar.... and then they lost their rocker credit because one of them is rich or something, and obviously music is all about the amount of money the person singing has. Then nobody knew if they liked the album or hated it or just hated it because they hated rich people. Seriously.

In my opinion all we have to know is this: The music is enjoyable, which hello, it should be. Its very indie-rock, vocally monotone, three chord-ish type of shit. Kind of reminds me of The Killers thrown in a blender with the Smiths. I'm talking vibe-wise guys, don't go looking for another Morrissey or CM will come murder me in my sleep. Its not necessarily ground breaking, but it will make you want to drink something out of a keg in somebody's garage while pretending to flip through records as if you had any records that weren't purely for decoration.

Check 'em out if you like: The Killers, The Strokes, The Ramones, The Kooks (with all of these please apply the VIBE rule again please. thanks)

If you like them give a listen to: White Lies (actually listen to them anyway, they are amazing)

THE VACCINES Post Break-Up Sex by le daron rouge
The Vaccines - If You Wanna by Indiechorusly
White Lies - Death by marcuspessoa

also check out their track "All In White" on our Royal Wedding day playlist. My fav.

1 comment:

  1. i wouldn't murder you, but i would inflict some sort of physical harm.
