We like music... so there's that.

we write this shit yall

Friday, April 22, 2011

Francis and the Lights and some nutty legwork

A friend at work sent me this video awhile ago, with a direction to stay tuned for the fancy dance moves at the end. Man, are they fancy. But getting back to the band, the lead singers name is Francis Farewell Starlite, fo reals guys, his last name is effin STARLITE. How are you not hooked yet? No? Need more? How about he is buds with MGMT with whom he attended Wesleyan. Yep, he did that. He also toured with them... and Drake, and Ke$ha (weird?) and Kanye is a fan, he probably wrote about Francis in caps somewhere, but I digress. He's like a funky jello legged 80s pop star with 50's greaser hair and WHAT IS NOT TO LOVE ABOUT THAT. Happy Friday or whatever.

check him/them/him out if you like: Phil mother effing Collins. 

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