We like music... so there's that.

we write this shit yall

Monday, May 16, 2011

file this under: SCARED!

today is: rainy, wet, gross, nastyville, USA and any other words thesaurus.com can offer up to describe the outdoor conditions. to put it all in perspective, my hair looks like an unkempt poodle that stuck it's little paw into an electrical socket and my jeans are wet from my knee cap to hem (to top off the fact that i slept through my alarm this morning and broke my umbrella on my what feels like 6 mile walk to the subway). why am i telling you all this? read on...

alex winston just recently released a video for her single sister wife. let's preface this with: i want to be her, i want to sing like her, i want her hair, i want to steal her clothes, etc. there's not really anything that you could say or do to make me feel anything but extreme love for alex winston, yet after watching, i am completely terrified. just take a little gander and see for yourself. if you are impatient you can just skip straight to the 2 minute mark to really absorb the creep factor.

the moral of the story: no matter how frizzy my hair is today, or wet my clothes from the rain, or how late i was for work...at least i don't have a cat spewing blood on my face.

Alex Winston - "Sister Wife" from stereogum on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. completely agree. her videos are the weirdest things ever created. this one is polar opposite to light hearted fun performances.
