We like music... so there's that.

we write this shit yall

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

the head and the heart have me head over heels

so, by chance (AKA a little angel friend named josh-thanks again!), guest blogger jMcnamee and i maneuvered our way onto the guest list to check the head at the heart at mercury lounge last night. it was....SO. GOOD....no. what's a better word for good? MARVELOUS. (minus the frat boy weendogs that were in front of us). i'll spare you all the details about how i want to marry lead singer jonathan russell and focus on the music....

for those unfamiliar with this band (you should be JG blogged about them last month!), they are drawing lots of comparisons to a folksy beatles or crosby stills nash & young. singer/song writer damien jurado is on the record saying they “could very well be the next biggest thing to come out of the northwest, since fleet foxes.” i say take all of that and multiply by utterly amazing. tambourine? check. violin? check? amazing guitars? check. phenomenal vocals? check, check. they gave such a fantastic live performance. it went from feet tapping, hands clapping and people dancing to goosebumps because it was so beautifully raw, honest and touching. (i'm completely obsessed with female member charity rose thielen's voice and adorable stage presence). i can't say enough good things about these folks. if you ever have an opportunity to check them out, please do.

if they aren't swinging through your area, you can check them out on jimmy fallon tonight!

lost in my mind from last night

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