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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Gotye Milk?

Gotye (pronounced “gore-ti-yeah” so I guess the milk thing doesn't really work) is a self described "music-making mutant." Boy is he ever. Born in Belgium, raised in Australia, member of some band called The Basics, proud producer of two studio albums and his real name is WOUTER. I'm not even kidding its fucking Wouter. You can call him Wally. 

Why do you care? Because he is the answer to your (ok.. my) musical ADD, and because our friends across the pond/world, love him. With his former records focusing on samples  of old vinyls and recorded sounds, he has brought things a step further with his new single and hopefully his new album, due out this year. 

The new single called "Eyes Wide Open" was inspired by [AND YOU SHOULD READ THIS BECAUSE ITS AWESOME] The Winton Musical Fence. WTF is that you ask? Why, Its a musical fence in the middle of bumf*ck  Australia. Wally was on tour with The Basics and happened to have a recorder with him when he encountered said fence,  the recordings of that along with a lot of other  live jamming formed what would be his new single. How rad is that?

I cant give you an idea of why to listen to his music because it literally all sounds different. All of you will love "Learnalilgivinanlovin" because its an amazing, upbeat, motown sounding track straight out of the 60's. "Hearts A Mess" is a much more heart wrenching, creepy, Tim Burton kind of tune (the music vid speaks volumes) and the new single is based on a musical fence sooo, theres really no excuse to skip that one. 

Enjoy suckas. 

If you like: "Learnalilgivinanlovin" try The Bamboos

Learnalilgivinanlovin - Goyte
Eyes Wide Open - Goyte
Hearts A Mess - Goyte


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