We like music... so there's that.

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Thursday, June 16, 2011

taking back sunday is still a band?

ohhh no they di'ent! taking back sunday is releasing a new album?! yup, you heard right. where the hell have i been? taking back sunday was the bee's knees when i was 18. i'm pretty sure every mix tape/cd i made from 2002-2003 had a TBS song on it. i also feel confident that my AOL profile quote was something emo-y of theirs too...probably "you could slit my throat and with my one last gasping breath i'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt". oh man, that totally happened. WHY? i feel like a super duper loser now. oh well, GOOD TIMES. so, let's now re-visit the fact that they have a new album coming out june 28th. i'm listening to some tracks right now and all i have to say is "............". i just can't take them seriously (mainly because they have to be like 50 now and i keep picturing myself listening to them on my disc-man). sidenote: i am going to have so many hardcore TBS groupies sending me hate mail now. sorry in advance, but i just can't.

here's a track of their soon to be released self titled album. later ya'll.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha that quote was ALL OVER AOL. I bet you listened to dashboard too didnt you ya dirty rat.
