We like music... so there's that.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Whatchu Think Wednesday: katemaher

whatchuuuu thank? this wednesday's guest blogger is katemaher. she enjoys getting bit by foxes, singing celine dion songs at karaoke and being my sister (she really enjoys that). here we go....

Hi all. So, Tuesday night, we saw Other Lives, that delightful 5-member band hailing from Oklahoma that cm discussed in her May 2nd post. I didn’t know much of this band going into the show, but I now know that they are pretty incredible. Their sound is deep, melodic, and extremely soothing. Also, every band member plays approximately 56 instruments. Okay, I’m exaggerating. But seriously, when we walked into Mercury Lounge, the stage was filled with guitars, violins, cellos, tambourines, drums, keyboards, trumpets, antlers with baby bells etc. Psh, showoffs…just kidding. I love them.

Admittedly, I am no music guru, but the show was really all I could’ve wanted. It was fun. It was emotional. It was powerful. My favorite moment came when the band played the album’s title track, Tamer Animals. This is partly because I work at a zoo, but mostly because it’s such a gggggreat song. It made me want to sway, and let my hair down, and close my eyes- all of which I did. And when I opened my eyes, every person at the show had also dipped into their own little happy place, taking in the beautiful sounds and moving lyrics.

The only disappointment of the show was its length. They played about 8 songs, and I could’ve easily listened to 8 more. I guess I’ll just have to see them again…

Sooo, if you’re looking for an escape from the day-to-day craziness of your life, do yourself a favor and pop on their second album, Tamer Animals. Because, every once in a while (especially after a 75-minute commute on a 97 degree day), it’s nice to be taken to a calm place where we imagine that we have…other lives. Too cheesy? I had to.

Enjoy the photo above of cm and frontman Jesse Tabish. Jesse seems like a really nice person and has thick waves that most girls (including this one) would die for.

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